Tuesday 3 May 2011

Margate: a new Bilbao?

Margate is a seaside town on southeast England. For two centuries the town was considered to be a hotspot by English people looking for a beach side holiday place. However, with the increasingly number of cheap flights, the town lost its tourists for European destinations able to offer white sands and warmer waters.

Subsequently, after the 60s Margate changed from a fashionable place to a not so desirable location. Nevertheless, names like JMV Turner and Tracey Emin continued to grab headlines to the town over the years and might prove to be the rescue the place needs.

Thanks to both artists the town might see its chic side again. Margate has been through a massive cultural regeneration and last month opening of Turner Contemporary Gallery, a new shinny seafront space is already attracting attention. The gallery enjoys the views that once inspired Turner famous paintings.

John Kampfner, Chair, Turner Contemporary said: “The opening of Turner Contemporary marks the start of an extraordinary opportunity for Margate to become one of the UK’s most compelling culture and tourism destination.” Yet can the names Turner and Emin transform this shabby town in a new Bilbao? Lets wait and see.

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