Wednesday 27 April 2011

Pictures: are they still effective?

Today we live surrounded by pictures. They are everywhere from magazines to flyers, on the tube, on streets and every corner shop. The way they evolved is unbelievable. From its use as a family record, an instrument to capture historic moments and as a work of art to now capture every human feeling and expression.

Nevertheless the indiscriminate of pictures and the constant changes made on it has created a sceptical feeling towards it. The use of Photoshop softwares, mainly for advertising and promotion purposes is said to be the responsible the big villain. The emotional power of a single and not manipulated image has been lost with the number of images we encounter every day.

There is little trust on pictures. The exaggerated used of manipulation has changed the way we look at it and the uncertainty of its veracity has changed our feeling towards it. We no longer fall in love with it or cry over it. The effect it use to have over us is long gone. They have simply become a meaningless mirror of the world we live. And although pictures are as better as they could be, they may have lost the power to move us.

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